
Friday, 3 February 2017

DIY Easy Sugar Wax for Hair Removal

Hair Removal isn’t most people’s favorite past time, but luckily you don’t have to shave as often when you wax! The downside of waxing is that it is extremely painful and when you have sensitive skin (like me) it can leave you with some pretty unpleasant experiences (more on that in a minute). Sugar Waxing is a little bit different than regular waxing and it is still painful but not as much! It’s also SOOOO easy to clean up compared to other waxes.

What is Sugar Wax and How is it different from regular Wax?

Sugar Waxing has been around for ages and all it takes to make it is white sugar, water, and lemon juice. You don’t even need to use waxing strips or sticks to wax but they can be helpful at times. Sugar waxing is much cheaper than buying hair removal wax at the store. Sugar wax is also extremely easy to clean up and the wax itself dissolves with water, and dissolves even quicker with warm water. You know those times you decide to wax then the signals in your brain are telling you, “ARE YOU CRAZY! YOU ARE ABOUT TO CAUSE US PAIN and A LOT of it!! STOP IT NOW!”…then you totally have second thoughts, but oh wait you already put the darn wax on your leg! Fear not my friends with sugar wax, you can actually wash it off pain free! Another benefit of sugar waxing is it doesn’t rip your skin off especially for those with sensitive skin.
🙂I mentioned that I personally have sensitive skin and I have had my fair share of bad experiences with waxing. I can’t tell you how many times I have burned myself with microwavable waxes or even the waxes that you place in the fool proof wax warmers. Not so fool proof for me I guess.  I even went to get my legs waxed at a waxing salon once, and I’m not sure whether the wax was too hot or just too strong but it was overall way more painful than normal. The lady finished waxing my legs, I paid and left and it wasn’t until I got home, I noticed areas on my legs literally looked like layers of skin were missing, they eventually scabbed up and healed but I was pretty traumatized. I did eventually find an Esthetician who did a great job and totally knew what she was doing (with no problems) and I still go to her sometimes. But, if you are looking to save money or just DIY methods, the sugar wax is the way to go. You always let it cool to room temperature before use (so no burning) and I could be wrong but I always felt like usual waxes pull of more than just hair (skin too) but the sugar wax doesn’t feel that way at all.
The process is pretty quick too, and I have used this wax on my legs, arms, underarms, eyebrows, bikini line, and yes I have done  Brazilian waxes (on myself) with it too. Although I prefer going to my esthetician for that since I don’t have to result to doing yoga and bend in every which way to uhhmm wax, or convince myself to rip the wax off every single time, but hey, it is doable if you were wondering  

Step 1: Pour Sugar In a pan,
Step 2: Add water
Step 3: Add Lemon Juice
Step 4: Stir and Turn on High Heat
Step 5: Once its boiling or bubbling reduce heat to medium
Step 6: You want it to lightly produce bubbles but if it starts bubbling up like step 5 then lower the heat a bit and make sure you constantly stir
Step 7: Once it starts to get golden in color turn off heat and take a spoon full of wax and put it in your fridge to test consistency (once its cooled it should be thicker than honey) (you should be able to put it in your hand and roll it around) If its still too runny or sticky bring back to medium low heat for a few more minutes and test again (You also don’t want it to burn because it will completely solidify when cooled)
Step 8: Once you have the right consistency pour into a bowl and allow to cool for about 30 minutes. Just check on it after 30 minutes and if it still is too warm or hot wait a bit longer.

How to Apply

Using a butter knife, Spoon, Your hands, or a thick wooden popsicle stick; scoop out a glob of wax and roll into a ball (for legs I generally make a golf ball size wax ball) (but for smaller areas you would need less)
Press the ball onto area you need to wax and using your palm and fingers, or using a popsicle stick flatten out the wax over the area you are waxing, until the wax is about 1/4″ thick,
If you choose to use waxing strips; apply sheet over the wax and quickly rub back and forth over the waxing strip while applying some pressure (heat from friction is key)
Take a deep breath; then pull! (you should be able to pull the wax off with your fingers if you are not using a waxing strip)
You can reroll the same wax you just used and apply again or you can start a new one. *I usually re-use the same one 3-4 times* (If you do use the waxing sheets you wont be able to reuse the wax)

Waxing Tips

For underarms I tend to apply a small amount of baby powder to absorb the moisture prior to waxing, but you can do this on any area baby powder recipe here it is also very soothing when you apply it to the areas after waxing
For more tender areas like underarms or if you are waxing bikini line it helps to pull the skin and then apply the wax
To ease pain apply pressure with your hands to just waxed area
If you do need to remove the wax just run it under warm-hot water until it dissolves
To clean up bowl and pan let them soak in water until wax dissolves
If you have a few leftover hairs you can use tweezers to remove them or you can even use your fingers if you haven’t washed the wax off yet
If you don’t need much wax I generally make half of the recipe; 1 cup sugar, 1/8 cup water, and 1/8 cup lemon juice

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